Bloomington High School North Club List
Academic Quiz Bowl Team
Sponsor: Elizabeth Sweeney
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 609
Quiz Bowl is a fast-paced buzzer competition in which teams of four players compete to answer questions that cover academic subjects like literature and science as well as the broader world of culture and current events.
Academic Super Bowl
Sponsor: Dan Henry
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 31
Call out meeting in November, meetings during tutorial and after school. Compete in team quiz competitions during second Semester (March-May)
American Sign Language Club
Sponsor: Aaron Evans
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 312
Student led club for those with high interest in deaf culture and ASL.
Amigos Latinx Culture Club
Sponsor: Olivia Paul
Sponsor email:
Sponsor: Elizabeth Sweeney
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 609
Amigos Club is for anyone interested in Latinx culture. Our mission is to foster unity and friendship among diverse populations, promote and explore post-secondary options, and make sure all students feel included in the school and larger community.
Anime and Manga Creation Club
Sponsor: Tom Holicky
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 213
We look at 5 aspects of Anime (Art, Cosplay, Manga, Fanfiction, Film) and discuss how to create/enhance our abilities to enjoy and make the things we love. Each club is student-led and
focuses on one of the above 5 aspects per club. It is a high-energy, accepting, and engaging opportunity for students to express their creative talents.
Art Club
Sponsor: Ted Allanson
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 900
Art club is a meeting space for students interested in earning a varsity letter in art.
Badminton Club
Sponsor: Chris Blackburn
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 509
Friendly atmosphere while learning the rules and playing badminton.
Bass Choir
Sponsor: Chris Boveroux
Sponsor email:
Choir Room
A non-auditioned choir for singers in the tenor or bass range. We meet once a week and we perform once a term.
Best Buddies
Sponsor: Brooke Fleener
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 54
Student inclusion with students with and without disabilities. We have events as a large group, one-to-one friendships, and awareness.
Black Student Union
Sponsor: Olivia Jordan
Sponsor email:
Sponsor: Elizabeth Sweeney
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 609
The Black Student Union's mission is to educate about the experiences of Blacks which are rooted in Black History, culture, traditions, and community as well as to promote academic excellence and high standards among Black youth. To enlighten people about the positive contributions that Black people have made to society. To facilitate community and unity. To promote self-esteem and high standards. To encourage community involvement.
Book Club
Sponsor: Amy Pfanschmidt
Sponsor email:
Location: In the library
The club picks a book each month to read and discuss at the next meeting.
Bring Change 2 Mind (BC2M)
Sponsors: Ashley Flittner and Bridget McIntyre
Sponsor Emails: |
Location: Room 56
Bring Change 2 Mind (BC2M) is a mental health advocacy club for any student at BHS North. The club meets two times a month, once during tutorial on the third Thursday of the month and once after school on the fourth Thursday of the month. BC2M is a national organization that is supported by a regional staff member and facilitated locally by a student leadership team and faculty/staff.
Build On
Sponsor: Angie Shelton
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 34
BuildOn is an international organization that raises money to build schools in developing countries. Some of our group members travel to the village where we have funded the school and help the local villagers build the school. Last year we raised enough money to build a school in Guatemala and fund an adult literacy program.
Civil Rights History Club
Sponsor: Chris Blackburn
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 509
We learn about Civil Rights movements in the US, both past and present.
Comic Book Club
Sponsor: Chris Sturgeon
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 401
Fans of superheroes. We discuss comic books, comic book movies, TV shows and how comics are made.
Cougar Care Meals
Sponsor: Bridget McIntyre
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 56
Students prepare meals during Tutorial and donate the meal to local agencies who need meals.
Cougar Leaders
Sponsor: Tatiana Dewitt
Sponsor email:
Sponsor: Brad Engel
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 610
Cougar Leaders is a mentorship program that pairs responsible seniors, juniors, and sophomores with a small group of freshmen during Den. Cougar Leaders help freshmen successfully transition to high school socially and academically by building relationships, facilitating bonding activities, answering questions, and providing insights into how to have a positive high school experience.
Cougars for Change
Sponsor: Laura Fletcher
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 208
Members create impactful initiatives and projects that assist the Bloomington community. For example, last year, we made cards & decorated cookies to help support workers in our local hospital. These impactful initiatives/projects are engaging for our students, but also work towards the greater good of our community.
Debate Club
Sponsor: Paul Daily
Sponsor email:
Black Box
Debate Club is a space where we learn and practice debating in preparation for competition.
Drone Club
Sponsor: Aishat Balogun
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 31
Learning about drones: laws, safety, building, and flying.
Environmental Club
Sponsor: Lizzie Johnson
Sponsor email:
Sponsor: Eric Nolan
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 24
The Environmental Club works to improve the environment and sustainability of our school and
community. We have established a pollinator garden at school and removed invasive species from the woods behind the school. We have also raised money to install water bottle fillers and helped improve recycling and composting in the school cafeteria. We have started several new initiatives this year. Stop by Mr. Nolan or Ms. Johnson’s room for more information.
Family Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)
Sponsor: Brooke Fleener
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 54
FCCLA is a nonprofit national career and technical student organization for young men and women in Family and Consumer Sciences education in public and private school through grades 6-12.
Fantasy Friday
Sponsor: Amy Pfanschmidt
Sponsor email:
Location: Library
Fantasy Friday (and sometimes Fantasy Surprise) is a Tutorial for students who enjoy role playing games, usually with a board and dice included.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
Sponsor: Becky Provines
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 212
Students of faith can come together to talk about their faith, have devotionals, and learn how to live with a Christian-like attitude.
French Club
Sponsor: Lori Heins
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 406
We will meet to learn about and enjoy aspects of French culture. All are welcogameme!
Sponsor: Aishat Balogun
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 30
Girls interested in STEM! We participate in the Cyberstart America Competition and volunteer/lead GEMS Day in spring.
German Club
Sponsor: Swantje Domizlaff
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 410
It’s a German Thing! We explore the German language and culture together in an inclusive setting. All are Willkommen.
Habitat for Humanity
Sponsor: Stacey Miller
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 510
We build affordable housing for qualifying families in our community.
Interact Club
Sponsor: Mary Adams
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 26
Interact club brings together young people to develop leadership skills while discovering the power of Service Above Self. We have fun and help others!
International Cougars
Sponsor: Greg Chaffin
Sponsor email:
Location: LGI
International Cougars is a group of international students and their friends who celebrate the diverse backgrounds and cultures represented at Bloomington North through activities, field trips, festivals, foods, and in many other ways. The highlight of the year for this group is International Day!
International Thespian Troupe
Sponsor: Paul Daily
Sponsor email:
Location: Black Box
Part of international thespian society. Group of high school theatre and professional theatre people. Like an honors society of theatre people, earn cords for graduation based on theatre hours in school and community.
Korean Culture Club
Sponsor: Amber Dehner
Sponsor email:
Sponsor: Kyung-Hee Mun
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 51
The Korean Club is a student-led organization for any students interested in Korean culture. This group seeks to explore the rich and diverse Korean language and culture. Members of this club are focused on diversity and celebrating Korean contributions to art, language, economy, and politics. Amongst other things, Korean Club members come together to learn Korean language, enjoy Korean food, discuss K-Drama and practice K-Pop dance routines. This club also seeks to be active in the larger Korean community of Bloomington by participating in social events sponsored by Indiana University and the Sejong Institute.
Latin Club
Sponsor: Zoe Barnett
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 408
Latin Club is a place where students can explore Roman Culture in a modern context. Everyone is welcome!
Latin Honor Society
Sponsor: Zoe Barnett
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 408
This honor society is for students enrolled in Latin courses. Students must apply and be approved for admittance. Its purpose is to celebrate and honor those students who have exhibited the Society's four guiding principles: Leadership, Scholarship, Community, and Honor. Each member must fulfill a community service requirement every semester.
Model UN
Sponsor: Chris Blackburn
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 509
BHSN Model UN gives students the opportunity to participate in United Nations simulation experiences in conferences throughout the country. We welcome anyone interested in debate, foreign policy, international relations and/or politics!
National Art Honors Society (NAHS)
Sponsor: Ted Allanson
Sponsor email:
Sponsor: Rachel Selke
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 900
The National Art Honor Society is an organization that promotes art in the classroom and in the community. Students attend regular meetings, take part in fundraising and community service projects.
National Honor Society (NHS)
Sponsor: Matt Lynch
Sponsor email:
Location: Auditorium
National Honor Society is a scholarship and service-based organization. Students maintain their GPAs while completing community service hours.
North Dance Marathon
Sponsor: Tatiana Dewitt
Sponsor email:
Sponsor: Jossi Pace
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 611
North Dance Marathon is an organization that works with IU Dance Marathon and Children's Miracle Network Hospitals to raise money for Riley Children's Hospital.
Project Middle Way
Sponsor: Amy Pfanschmidt
Sponsor email:
Location: Library
Project Middle Way is a club at North that hosts events and raises money to support Middle Way House, a Bloomington non-profit that provides services for victims of domestic violence and abuse. Our main fundraiser is a student-run spring fashion show that we view as a celebration of our community. Our club hosts monthly tutorials that align with Middle Way's work to support healthy relationships, body positivity, and gender inclusivity.
Rise Up!
Sponsor: Dani Ansaldo
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 210
Girl empowerment club that allows us to be our authentic selves, build resiliency, and have fun. We meet once a week during Tutorial. Some activities we will be doing this year are collaging, tea making, journaling, setting goals for ourselves, and talking through what is going on in our lives.
Science Olympiad
Sponsor: Aishat Balogun
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 30
National Science competition in which teams of 15 members compete in various STEM events.
Scholastic Esports
Sponsor: Seth Sturgeon
Sponsor email:
Sponsor: Shaun Caudill
Sponsor email:
Location: Library Conference Room
Scholastic Esports embraces students' passion for competitive gaming to foster collaboration, creativity, and inclusion. Participants build strengths in problem solving, teamwork and communication, as well as STEAM skills.
Sistas Who Care
Sponsor: Angie Cannon
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 607
This is a support group for Women of Color. Dr. Tennisha Riley, a psychology and counseling professor at IU, comes to meet with the girls about issues related to being a woman of color.
Sponsor: Thomas Holicky
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 206
This casual club offers the opportunity to meet with a community of friends that enjoy logic, problem-solving, and discussing eloquent solutions to interesting problems.
Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica
Sponsor: Clara Garcia Aguerrevere
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 407
The purpose of the Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica (Spanish National Honor Society) is to recognize high achievement in Spanish courses at the secondary level and to promote a continued interest in Hispanic studies. The chapter of Camino de Santiago strides to help our BHSN community by leading service projects that promote the Hispanic culture.
Spanish Club
Sponsor: Oliva Paul
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 409
Immerse yourself in the world of Spanish language and culture with the BHSN Spanish Club! From lively conversations and language games to cultural showcases and food tastings, we celebrate the diversity and beauty of the Spanish-speaking world. Spanish Club members care about strengthening their language skills, deepening their understanding of traditions and customs, and making important connections in the community. Whether you’re a seasoned Spanish speaker or just beginning, all are welcome!
Spell Bowl
Sponsor: Mr. Kupersmith
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 605
Ten students write out spelling words in a competition.
Student Athletic Board (SAB)
Sponsor: Brooke Fleener
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 54
BHSN Student Athletic Board members will represent Bloomington High School North and Bloomington North Athletics.
Student Council
Sponsor: Alice Kilbride
Sponsor email:
Sponsor: Amy Pfanschmidt
Sponsor email:
Location: Library
Student Council is a student-led organization that works with administrators and class sponsors to plan events, fundraise, and start initiatives. We strive to improve the North experience for all students!
Student Equity Team
Sponsor: Swantje Domizlaff
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 410
United Students GSA
Sponsor: Tatiana DeWitt
Sponsor email:
Sponsor: Jessica Richardson
Sponsor email:
Sponsor: Allyson May
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 610
United Students GSA is a support group for lesbian, gay, transgender or nonbinary, bisexual, queer, and questioning students, and their friends. This group focuses on being and creating a "safe space" for all Cougars and engages in presenting information tables, inviting speakers, and planning activities towards that goal.
Young Republicans/Young Democrats
Sponsor: Chris Sturgeon
Sponsor email:
Location: Room 401
Students learn about their political beliefs and how to enact change in the world around them.