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Bloomington High School North

Monroe County Community School Corporation

Graduation Requirements

Graduation Pathways

With Graduation Pathways, students are able to individualize their graduation requirements to align to their postsecondary goal of Enrollment, Employment, or Enlistment leading to service. No longer must all students fit into the same academic mold, but rather, they can choose the high school options that best meet their postsecondary goals and aspirations.

Beginning with the graduating class of 2023, Indiana high school students must satisfy all three of the following Graduation Requirements:


  1. Earn credits necessary for a High School Diploma;
  2. Learn and Demonstrate Employability Skills; AND
  3. Demonstrate Postsecondary-Ready Competencies.


MCCSC Graduation Pathway Guide

Grad Pathway Requirement 1: Diploma

The newest set of requirements went into effect for students who entered high school in the fall of 2012 (Class of 2016 and beyond). Under current requirements, students have the option of earning four diploma types: (from IDOE website)

Core 40 Diploma RequirementsAHD RequirementsTHD Requirements


Grad Pathway Requirement 2: Employability Skills

Demonstrations of employability skills include experiences that enable students to apply essential academic, technical, and professional skills and find engagement and relevancy in their academic careers. This can be fulfilled by participating in a project-based, service-based, or work-based learning experience:

Employability Skills Presentation


Employability Skills Verification Form

Grad Pathway Requirement 3: Postsecondary-Ready Competencies

Meet one of the following: 


  • Honors Diploma: Academic or Technical
  • SAT: EBRW = 480 & Math = 530
  • ACT: English = 18, Reading = 22 & Math = 22, Science = 23
  • ASVAB: Minimum score of 31 and intent to enlist
  • State/Industry Recognized Certification
  • C or higher in 3 AP or Dual Credit Courses
  • CTE Concentrator
    • “C” average or higher in Next Level Pathway Courses in a state-approved CTE Pathway (6 Credits)